Saturday, February 13, 2016


And yet, old friend,
books do not age as you and I do.
They will speak still
when we are gone,
to generations we will never see.

The Hiding Place


  1. I am a far-away neighbor on What to Read Wed. and so glad I came here. I have not heard of the Legacy Library before and am so glad to know of such. I looked on your list and we do not have one nearby for my homeschooling friends, but maybe one day. It is a beautiful concept and feels so God-directed. I want to share your sight with a couple of friends who would like to know of such even if there is not one near. Thanks so much.
    Caring through Christ, ~ linda
    @The Reader and the Book
    and Being Woven

    1. Thank you, Linda. You are welcome to share my site. Maybe some of your friends would love to share their book collections in this way. Many homeschool families are starved for living books in their are and would be blessed to have access to a private library. Thank you for visiting and your encouragement!
